This Mother's Day, Johnson & Johnson launched a heartwarming, amazing campaign celebrating love...the most powerful thing on the planet. The Johnson & Johnson For All You Love campaign celebrates the selfless and unconditional caring of moms in particular, and celebrates all the ways they care for those they love every day.
I love the idea behind this campaign and was more than happy to help spread the word when asked. What better timing than to launch it right around Mother's Day too! Afterall, we as moms put the needs of others before our own every day and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
When asked to share about a time (or times) when I have put someone else's needs before my own...many instances came to mind. As a mom and a wife, it's an easy and everyday occurrence to put the wants and needs of my kids and husband before my own. I don't really even give it any thought in the moment, it just comes naturally.
There are the daily things like waking up extra early to make my family breakfast most mornings, staying up all night with a sick child, and more! However, the one that stuck out in my mind most was not as common but something I'd do all over again if I had to.
My three little blessings
Baby Kaden :)
I'm grateful that Johnson & Johnson recognizes the sacrifices people make and the amazing ways they care for the ones they love. You can learn more about this campaign by watching the introductory ad below.
Also, as part of this campaign, recognizing their commitment to the health and well-being of moms and kids worldwide, J&Save the Children!
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Thank you so much for sharing about the Johnson Johnson campaign and about your experience as a mom. I'm currently expecting baby #4 and although I've previously had all my others naturally, I'm preparing myself that anything can happen and just looking forward to the big day. Being a mom is such a great joy.