Over the years my mom has held onto many of the toys my brothers and I grew up playing with. The classic ones...created before technology, cords and chargers were even around. In fact, the playroom she now has set up for the grandkids is full of the toys I once treasured most. It's the highlight of any visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house for sure! It is my hope to create a space like this in our own home for the kids, which is why I'm always on the lookout for the finest toys that are made to last. Thankfully, I don't have to look any further than Maukilo.Maukilo was born in 2000, when Alexandra Goedrich couldn't find any of the toys that she grew up playing with, here in the US. She began an ecommerce site and over the years, Maukilo has grown to offer a wide selection of wood and PVC-free plastic toys and games from more than 40 European and American based companies. Their goal is to provide toys that are made to last, so that any toy can withstand the test of time and be passed onto the next generation, which meets the company's motto of "Buy Once, Play Forever".
Every time I visit the Maukilo website I am impressed with the array of high quality toys offered. Designed for babies to big kids, Maukilo offers the finest wooden puzzles, games, books and playthings that are sure to suit the interests of children at all ages. It's a company that has gone above and beyond to not only provide well-made toys, but also those that exceed safety standards. We've had the opportunity to review some of Maukilo's amazing products, and I've learned that when it comes to finding playthings that last, they are a name I can count on.
I couldn't have been happier to learn we were going to have the opportunity to review Haba's Memo My Toys Matching Game.Features/Benefits:
- Recommended for ages 2+
- 20 illustrated beech wood blocks (memory game)
- 2-4 players
- Made in Germany
- Helps build memory skills

Win It: One lucky reader is going to win a Memo My Toys Matching Game like the one we received (ARV $33!)

Extra Entries: (Only valid after the mandatory entry has been completed. Leave 1 comment for each extra entry)
1. 1 extra entry- Enter the Maukilo Blabla Basil Bunny Doll Giveaway at Thanks, Mail Carrier
2. 1 extra entry- Like Maukilo on Facebook
3. 1 extra entry- Follow Maukilo on Twitter
4. 3 extra entries- Grab our Checking Our List Holiday Gift Guide Button and leave a comment with the URL where it can be found.
5. 3 extra entries- Blog about this giveaway (linking to this post and Maukilo) and leave THREE comments with the URL to that post.
6. 1 extra entry- Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (You can tweet once a day for one extra entry every day)! You can copy and paste:
8. 2 extra entries- subscribe to A Mom's Balancing Act via e-mail (found along the side column) and leave TWO comments letting me know.
9. 2 extra entries- 'Like' A Mom's Balancing Act on Facebook
10. 2 extra entries- Follow my blog publicly on Google Friend Connect
11. Enter any of my other Holiday Gift Guide giveaways running now. Leave me a comment on which one(s)....ONE entry for EACH giveaway you enter!!
Entered the Safety First Giveaway
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
Entered the 1-2-3 Grow With Me Giveaway
rasmith0506 at gmail dot com
I love the aircraft swing.
Daily tweet http://twitter.com/tarajean56/status/11852718784122880
I really like the Activity Clock {http://www.maukilo.com/activity-clock-teaches-times.html}.
Thanks! bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
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GFC follower. Rebecca O
bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
Entered over at Thanks, Mail Carrier. bekki1820cb at gmail dot com
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I'd love to get the X9X Mini Sport Utility car for my friends' sons.
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ent Bissell
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posted Checking Our list Holiday Gift Guide button on my blog... www.aspoonfulosugr.blogspot.com
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posted Checking Our list Holiday Gift Guide button on my blog... www.aspoonfulosugr.blogspot.com
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I like the Kettrike Go Green Fold N Ride Tricycle.
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I entered the Collections, Etc. $20 giveaway.
I entered the $50 Amazon gift card giveaway.
I love the Ships See Saw Swing
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com
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I'd love to have the "Farm Animals Knit Rattle Set" for my soon to be born granddaughter. They're so cute!
I entered the Maukilo Basil Bunny Doll giveaway on "Thanks Mail Carrier!"
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samantha (at) yeldarb (dot) com
entered holiday gift giveaway
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entered holiday gift giveaway
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entered holiday gift giveaway
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entered holiday gift giveaway
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entered holiday gift giveaway
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entered holiday gift giveaway
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also entered the crafty kids playhouse giveaway.
also entered umi shoes giveaway.
also entered bunny doll giveaway with thanks, mail carrier.
Aircraft Swing.
Entered the Maukilo Blabla Basil Bunny Doll Giveaway at Thanks, Mail Carrier.
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