**I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Pull-Ups. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.

Potty training is an exciting journey that takes much time and patience. I always have appreciated finding tools and products that would make this milestone easier for my kids. That's why I am thankful to have been given the opportunity to trying out Pull-Ups with Caysen. 

After using the Pull-Ups Training Pants for a couple of months during the potty training process, we have noticed Caysen wakes up dry a lot more. Night time training is always more difficult so this has been very exciting for him and us! He is much more independent in using the potty now which I love as well. It's been fun to see him encouraged by his potty successes!

Having potty trained three children, I have learned some important things along the way. For parents starting the potty training journey, I think it's important to remember three main points:

1. Begin potty training when your child shows signs of being ready. This allows the process to go more smoothly and quickly.

2. Be consistent and patient.

3. Have fun and celebrate your child's successes (both trying on the potty and going potty)!

These tips have been important to me as I trained my kids. It has helped me keep the potty training journey less stressful and encouraging. Making sure your child is ready is key, as well as making the process fun. However, no matter your method or when you start...one of the most important things I've found is that it's a must to be consistent. That's why I've loved the Big Kid Time to help keep a routine and remind Caysen when he needs to try to go potty. This and other tools on the Pull-Ups website really do help maintain a potty training schedule.

At the beginning of potty training, Caysen didn't seem all that excited. I've found that the Big Kids Academy really helped encourage him. The Progress Chart and the Potty Dance have both been great for him!

If you're beginning the potty training journey, or are in the middle of it, I'd definitely recommend visiting the Big Kid Academy via the Pull-Ups website! Here, and on the Pull-Ups Facebook Page and Twitter Page, you'll find a variety of tools and resources (tips/tricks) that I have mentioned above. There's even a Rewards Wheel on Pull-Ups.com that's customizable and helps make every potty training lesson unique. 

Pull-Ups has also recently announced an exciting new partnership with The First Years, a maker of potty training systems and seats. The First Years offers a range of different potty training systems and seats, even some decorated with Disney characters to help make potty training as fun as possible. As I said, making it fun is a huge factor in helping to make it go as smoothly as possible.

With the purchase of a specialty potty system from The First Years, you will receive a free sample pack of Pull-Ups Training Pants to tackle the potty training journey. How great is that?! We have used a potty seat with all three of our kids and it has worked great to help transition them to becoming more independent in using the potty. Getting a pack of Pull-Ups Training Pants would make it even better! I'd definitely recommend anyone getting ready to start the journey, look into this great deal!

  1. rj7777 May 8, 2014 at 10:15 PM  

    My grandson is still having some problems here. I think it is because they got a divorce. He is so smart I don't know why this is a problem. These are some great pants to use though. Thanks for the info! Rita

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