I've mentioned it in a few different reviews I've written recently, but realized I haven't made an "official" announcement that our family is growing! I'm almost 19 weeks pregnant with baby #3 and very excited to meet the newest addition to our family in November.The kids are really looking forward to having a baby brother or sister too!! We have our second ultrasound in a couple of weeks and can't wait to see the baby again. We have decided not to find out the gender, as we want to be surprised like we were with Kaelyn and Kaden. It will still be such a special time watching him/her on the ultrasound though..I can't wait and feel incredibly blessed to be becoming a family of 5!
With each baby we've tried to come up with a special way of telling our families we're expecting. When I was pregnant with Kaelyn it was a poem we framed for our parents (I have a picture, but can't seem to find it). With Kaden we had Kaelyn in a "Big Sister" t-shirt to make the announcement to everyone.

Congrats!! How exciting :)
When we first learned I was pregnant I invited my sisters and mom down for lunch and told them :)
You're so cute with your little baby bump!
The personalized M&Ms were such a great idea, I love that and I bet the grandparents thought it was really fun!
With our second we did the same as you and had our first one wearing the Big Sister shirt... it was funny because my in-laws got there and didn't notice it for a little while. And then my FIL finally said something about her shirt but STILL didn't make the connection! My MIL caught it though and was like "Her shirt says Big Sister? WHY does her shirt say Big Sister?!" They were happy but really surprised!
Congrats! You look adorable!
Congratulations! I love the M&M Idea! We did the same thing with our second and had the grandparents go get baby #1 from his crib and he was wearing a shirt that said Big Brother! It took them a while to understand- but they loved it!
Congrats on baby #3! I hope you are feeling well!
Awww congratulations. We didn't do anything fun...called everyone and told them. Boring...
Congrats!! You look fantastic, by the way.
I would love to take the time to be creative with how we share the news of our pregnancies, but we get so excited that we just call everyone right away. lol
Congrats on the new addition to your family! What a FUN way to tell the family you're expecting! I've heard so many creative ways, but yours is SO cute.
Oh cool! Congrats!
Have a great day!
With my daughter, I just went over to my mom's house and told her. She was so in shock she kept asking me if I was lying! The next baby, I don't know how we'll spread the news. I had a miscarriage in January, so it will certainly be a special announcement when it happens!
Congratulations! The more the merrier. I should know with five daughters and fourteen precious grandkids.
Congratulations :)
whenever i said, "guess what" my family was just relieved to hear me say anything but "i'm pregnant"
we have 12 kids (his, mine and ours) and my entire family thought i was completely bonkers to keep having babies! lol
I remember a review that you wrote awhile back and you mentioned that you were pregnant. I looked into your archives to see your pregnancy announcement and now I know why I never found it! Congratulations!!