With Father's Day just around the corner, many of us are still looking for that perfect gift. If you're like me, it's not always an easy task. I love having a special day set aside to let my own dad, as well as my husband know what great father's they are and how much we all appreciate them. However, finding something I know each of them will love usually takes some time. I am always on the lookout for great gift ideas, which is why I am thankful to have been introduced to RedEnvelope.Offering a unique and wide range of thoughtful gifts for every occasion and everyone in your life, RedEnvelope is known for their unique gifts of exceptional quality. Whether it be to celebrate a new beginning, affirm a friendship, thank a colleague or something else...RedEnvelope has it all. And, with the ability to personalize many of the items they offer, it's no wonder people continue to turn to them for unique, special gifts.
As I browsed the RedEnvelope website last month, I was immediately impressed with their great selection of Father's Day Presents. They have a whole category just for Father's Day which makes shopping even easier. As I searched through the different products, the wireless talking bbq + oven thermometer stuck out to me right away. My husband loves to grill this time of year, and I knew this would be a tool he'd really like. That's why I couldn't have been happier to learn we were going to have the opportunity to review one.Features/Benefits:
With as much grilling as we do in the summertime, I had a feeling this would be the perfect gift for my husband. Since I really wanted to be able to share our honest review with you, I gave it to him as an early Father's Day gift so we could test it out.Upon pulling it out of the package, I was happy to see that there was little assembly and the batteries were included. It's always frustrating to buy someone a gift, only to find that it needs batteries and they don't have any...so the fact that they came with it was a huge plus!
Once I had the batteries in, I was able to easily set the language to English and plug in the meat probe so we were ready to use it.
I will admit, that I'm not always the best with figuring out electronics. I was a little concerned that the bbq thermometer would be difficult to use, however, I couldn't have been more wrong! Thanks to the user-friendly instructions I found it was very easy to use. With the push of a button I could change it to the meat we were grilling (there are eight entrée programs) as well as customize the temperature settings and the doneness levels for beef.
The first time we used the thermometer, we were grilling chicken. I found the chicken setting and kept it at the recommended 180º. Once my husband had the chicken on the grill, he stuck the meat probe in and kept it there as it grilled. He not only liked the fact that it shows the current temperature of the meat so he knew how close it was to getting done, but also the fact that it actually has verbal and audio alert options. It let him know when it was "almost ready," "ready," "overcooked" and "out-of-range". He really liked that it announced the doneness to him, as he was busy doing other things outside and otherwise wouldn't have known that it was done.Overall we've been really happy with the wireless talking bbq + oven thermometer and think it's a fantastic product to have for grill this summer. I know we'll be getting a lot of use out of and think others would as well! It's extremely easy to use and very helpful in getting the meat done to perfection every time.
If you're looking for some of the Best Gift Ideas for Dad, I would definitely suggest visiting RedEnvelope.com. Their large selection of unique, special gifts for all occasions is one of a kind and you're sure to find something you absolutely love!
Buy It: You can purchase the wireless talking bbq + oven thermometer for $59.95.
Win It: One very lucky reader is going to win a RedEnvelope $50 Gift Code!
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**The products for this review and giveaway were provided for free by RedEnvelope. All opinions are my own and may differ from those of others.**
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