As a mom, one of my favorite things is seeing my kids learn and do new things. I love each and every milestone, especially when they learn to talk. Those conversations are ones I could listen to for hours! Sadly...these precious times when our children are young go too quickly. I'd love to hold onto theses memories and many times, wish time would stand still. I do my best to write things down in their baby books and capture new milestones on video...but life gets busy and this doesn't always happen. That is why I was excited to learn more about Bnter (pronounced "Banter").
Bnter is a a social network designed for capturing conversations. It's a modern way to save those precious moments and share them with family, friends and followers. I don't know about you, but my family and friends love to hear the new things my kids are doing and what better way to share than on a site that is made especially for that?!
I've always said I could sit for hours and listen to/have conversations with my 3 year old daughter (and I can't wait until Kaden begins talking more too!). Kaelyn has been a talker since before she was one year old. By 14 months old she was speaking in sentences, and to this day has people smiling from ear to ear every time she talks. In fact, when we pick her up from sunday school or anywhere else she's been to adults, we're always told the same thing... "You should really be writing down the fun things Kaelyn says. She has so much to say for a 3 year old." We completely agree, and are happy to have been introduced to Bnter.
Getting started couldn't have been easier. I set up an account in seconds, and was ready to start saving and sharing the fun conversations we have. I found their website to be extremely easy to navigate thanks to the user-friendly categories along the side of the page. I can easily share conversations, find people I know, and more with the click of a button.A while back Kaelyn and I had a short, but oh so sweet conversation. I never know what she's going to when we had the follow exchange of words, I knew I definitely had to save it on Bnter so I could remember it always (and share it with family too)!
What I love about Bnter is that it's web and app-based. It can be accessed from a laptop, ipad, or even smart phone. That makes it very user-friendly for pretty much anyone. Not only that, but it's free and really, a lot of fun!
Overall I've been really happy with It's extremely simple to use and a great way to organize and share those funny, precious and memorable conversations I have with my kids in a visually appealing way. How many times have you thought to yourself after your child had ssaid something, "I have to remember to write that down!"? But reality sets in and the moment passes?! I'm sure many of us can relate to that situation, and if you can too..I would definitely recommend checking out!
**I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the Bnter Campaign and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate ~ Capture and Share Those Fun Conversations With Your Kids!
Posted by
Jenna |
Monday, June 20, 2011
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