As Moms, we play a big part in determining the type of people our children grow up to be. This is the exact reason why I take my job as a stay at home mom so seriously. Young children especially, are like little sponges who soak up everything we do and say. From what we eat to how we treat others, our actions and beliefs have an influence on our kids...they watch us, learn from us and a lot of the time, copy our behaviors. Although I am far from perfect, I do my best to be a positive example for my kids just as my mom was for me.
Since becoming a mom, I have come to learn even more just how much I appreciate the positive example my parents were for us kids. With Mother's Day having recently passed, I was thinking about my mom who stayed home with us when we were young. She's such a caring, giving, loving, nurturing, and Godly woman!! I could go on and she truly is someone I look up to and admire. She has always wanted the best for us, and no matter what...I always know she's there for me. She was always so patient and loving with us which has really helped shape me into the mom I am today. I have told her many times that I can only hope I am as great of a mom to my kids as she was to me. I want my kids to grow up with those same morals and values. I know that as their mom, someone who is with them 24/ is my responsibility to teach them these things.. They watch how I live my life...the things that are important to me, the way I treat others...even the foods I eat! That's why I was excited to learn more about the new National Milk Mustache got milk? Campaign!In an effort to help give Moms useful tools and resources for teaching kids important life lessons, the National Milk Mustache got milk? Campaign recently launched a new interactive section on their Facebook page. It is designed to share information on the importance of role models in a child's life. I think this is fantastic! The page features a touching video about moms and a fun, customizable ePostcard app where you can send a personal e-card to someone you love. The page also offers recipes that include, milk and easy ways to add more dairy to your family's diet. Afterall, part of being a positive role model is being an example for how to eat healthy and live a healthier lifestyle.
I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of the National Milk Mustache got milk? Campaign and received a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate
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