For the past couple of weeks, I've been posting about Scott Naturals and their 4 Week Challenge. Through TheMotherhood, I have been given the opportunity to test drive their hybrid paper products: paper towels, facial tissue, napkins and flushable moist wipes...all made with recycled fiber. We've been very pleased with how well each of the products work and it feels good to know we're helping our earth at the same time! We've especially gotten a lot of use out of the Scott Naturals Towels!
As I have mentioned previously, Scott Naturals is also partnering with the National Wildlife Federation. For every unique click-thru from this link, Scott Naturals will donate $1 (up to $25,000 total) to the National Wildlife Federation!!
Scott Naturals is challenging all Americans to pledge to go green. Between April 4 and September 30, anyone can go and pledge to participate in the Scott Naturals 4-Week Challenge themselves! While you’re taking the pledge, you can enter for a chance to win a Ford Fusion hybrid sedan too!!Earth Month for me, serves as a time to reevaluate the green choices my family is making. I think one of the biggest things we've started to do is embrace green cleaning and making several of our own cleaners. It wasn't until I became a mom that I really paid attention to labels and the harmful chemicals and toxins in the cleaners I was using. I wanted to find something that was not only better for our family, but also the environment.
I decided to start using things like baking soda, vinegar, lemon, etc. to do a lot of my cleaning (all purpose cleaners, furniture polish, stain removers,...even air fresheners). It's incredible how versatile products like these are. Vinegar is great for breaking down dirt and killing bacteria, germs, etc., and baking soda works as an abrasive cleaner and is great for fighting odors. Although I had heard of people using these products to clean for years, I was still amazed at how well they work. Not only does my house feel clean and fresh, but I immediately noticed that the surfaces I cleaned did not have a chemical build-up like they did before. I also am very sensitive to chemical smells and get headaches easily. In fact, it got to the point where anything with a chemical husband had to clean it. Now though, I don't mind the smell of these more natural, green cleaners and they don't cause headaches at all!
With it being Earth Month, I'm looking at ways I can continue to be more green and the changes we can make as a family. One thing I haven't done yet, but want make my own laundry detergent/fabric softener and dishwasher soap.
In honor of Earth Month and Scott Naturals Hybrid Paper Products, Scott Naturals has offered one lucky reader a Scott Naturals Kit like the one we received! (Kit includes: Scott Naturals Tissue, Scott Naturals Towels, Scott Naturals Napkins, Scott Naturals Flushable Moist Wipes)! The winner of last week's Scott Naturals Kit giveaway is: commenter #52, furygirl3132. Congrats!
Win It: Scott Naturals is offering another reader a Scott Naturals Kit like the one we received. (Kit includes: Scott Naturals Tissue, Scott Naturals Towels, Scott Naturals Napkins, Scott Naturals Flushable Moist Wipes)!

2. 2 extra entries - Click this unique donation link:
3. 3 extra entries- Blog about Scott Naturals donating $1 (up to $25,000) for every unique click (using this URL - to the National Wildlife Federation and leave THREE comments with the URL to that post.
4. 1 extra entry- Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (You can tweet once a day for one extra entry every day)! You can copy and paste:
6. 2 extra entries- Become a Fan/Like A Mom's Balancing Act on Facebook
7. 1 extra entry - Let me know one (or more) of the green cleaners/homemade cleaners you use.
**I received a Scott Naturals 4 Week Test Drive Kit and a stipend from TheMotherhood and Scott Naturals for my participation. All opinions are my own and may differ from those of others.**
SWEET~! I would LOVE to win this! I am a faithful follower here! Hope you are having an amazing day! Shauna from
I took the challenge and would love to win this!
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Danielle S.
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Danielle S
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Danielle S
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(Tamara Bennington)
I use Seventh Generation Multi Purpose Cleaner
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Took Week 4 Challenge pledge
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rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
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rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
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rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
Scott naturals FB Fan C.j. Jennings
AMBA FB Fan C.j. Jennings #1
AMBA FB Fan C.j. Jennings #2
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rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
Took the challenge.
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Anne E. Perry
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Anne E. Perry
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Anne E. Perry
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I use lemon juice/vinegar
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I took the pledge
cat.naps at yahoo period com
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I liked AMBA on FB #2
cat.naps at yahoo period com
I make my own laundry detergent from Fels naphtha, borax and washing soda, and I use vinegar in the rinse water. Then I hang everything to dry it.
cat.naps at yahoo period com
I took the Pledge and plan to follow through
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
I like scott naturals on facebook (Tanya Riley)
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
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#2 I clicked on the unique link
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I am a Mom's Balancing act facebook fan (Tanya Riley)
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
#2 I am a Mom's Balancing act facebook fan (Tanya Riley)
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
I use Terracycle all natural cleaner in my home
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
i took the pledge! steph at
I like scott naturals on facebook, stephanie rowe miller, steph at
I clicked on the unique link, steph at
#2 I clicked on the unique link, steph at
im a fan of moms balancing act on facebook, stephanie rowe miller, steph at
#2 im a fan of moms balancing act on facebook, stephanie rowe miller, steph at
I made the pledge. heinzmom at hotmail dot com
I like Scotts Naturals on facebook. heinzmom at hotmail dot com
I clicked on the donation link. heinzmom at hotmail dot com
I like you on facebook. heinzmom at hotmail dot com
I pledged this week
I Like Scott Naturals on Facebook (Becky Horn)
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I am a FB fan (Becky Horn) #1
I am a FB fan (Becky Horn) #2
I made the pledge.
spiersrp at gmail dot com
I like Scott on facebook Rebecca Rps
spiersrp at gmail dot com
I like You on facebook Rebecca Rps #1
spiersrp at gmail dot com
I like You on facebook Rebecca Rps #2
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spiersrp at gmail dot com
Lemon juice and salt can be used to clean brass.
spiersrp at gmail dot com
i took the pledge
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
Like Scott Naturals on Facebook erica best
i click the link pt 1
i click the link pt 2!/purplelover04/status/63179364208095232
fan on fb of ur blog pt 1
fan on fb of ur blog pt 2
I took the pledge.
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I use baking soda a lot to clean up wet messes and make a fresher smell.
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
I liked you on Facebook (Rachel Honsvick DeMille)
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
#2 I liked you on Facebook (Rachel Honsvick DeMille)
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
Shared on Facebook 4/27!/tamara.bennington
Made a virtual pledge.
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Like Scott Naturals on fb.
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Clicked donation link 1
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Clicked donation link 2
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
fan of mba on fb 1
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
fan of mba on fb 2
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
I like to use vinegar and water as a natural cleaner.
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
I took the pledge!
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I clicked the unique donation link
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
#2 clicked donation link
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter as mbm218 and tweeted:!/mbm218/status/63345124297547776
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I save lemon or orange halves after squeezing/eating to use with a sprinkle of salt to scour the countertops.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
I pledged!
theblackat at hotmail dot com
I like Scott Naturals on Facebook. ('Crismon' Philips)
theblackat at hotmail dot com
I went to the unique donation link.
theblackat at hotmail dot com
I went to the unique donation link. #2
theblackat at hotmail dot com
I follow you on twitter, and tweeted.
theblackat at hotmail dot com
I use vinegar to clean alot of things. It works really well on windows!
theblackat at hotmail dot com
I pledged...thank you!
I've made a virtual pledge
Follow & tweet:!/lkim496/status/63625337212379136
Shared on Facebook 4/28!/tamara.bennington
We use Seventh Generation cleaners which are green products
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com!/purplelover04/status/63753335777394688
entered impel
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i pledged. (e-mail in my profile)
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took the pledge
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
clicked the donation link
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
clicked the donation link
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
rachel_demille at yahoo dot com!/purplelover04/status/64875910255476736!/SCMOMOF2BOYS/status/64900974120153088
I made the pledge a few weeks ago. hope it counts!
like scott on fb