Kaelyn doesn't watch a lot of television, but when she does I want it to be something that encourages learning and is age appropriate. Unfortunately there aren't many shows like this on regular TV, which is why I'm thankful for DVD's like Sukey's Circle!2010 Mom's Choice Gold Award has named Sukey's Circle! DVD among the best in family-friendly media. It's an exciting new DVD featuring double episodes loaded with music, movement play and song with Sukey Molloy and her Sunshine Family of Friends. With songs like These Are My Eyes and Tick Tock, as well as lyrical felt animation and award winning music...both infants and toddlers are sure to enjoy this interactive and cute DVD.
When I found out I was going to have the opportunity to review a copy of Sukey's Circle! I couldn't have been happier. I am always looking for good quality children's videos that Kaelyn will love. I had a feeling she would like this, but didn't know just how much until we received it and watched it for the first time.Her initial reaction was standing right in front of the television in awe of the colors and fun songs. Yes, I had her move back, but each time I turned around, there she was right up by the TV again! As the episodes continued, she got more and more into it and the next thing I know...she's standing up doing the movements and singing and the songs. It is adorable to watch. I love that Sukey's Circle! gets her on her feet and moving. Even Kaden was intrigued!
The media release said it perfectly when it stated,"Toddlers will enjoy performing these actions on their own, while babies and their caregivers can do them together. This program strikes the right balance of simplicity, bright graphics, and repetition to engage babies and toddlers."
I love that PlayMove&Sing, Inc and Sukey Molloy understand that young children learn more about themselves and the world around them when they directly engage in movement play. It is the perfect balance of bright colors, a slow pace, and an inviting presence that infants and toddlers will love!
Not only do the kids love it (Kaelyn actually asks to watch it multiple times a day), but I really like it too. The songs are catchy and the storyline is cute...but most of all...I love seeing Kaelyn learning and playing through movement. I would recommend Sukey's Circle! to anyone with young children.
Win It: One lucky reader is going to win a copy of the adorable Sukey's Circle! DVD.
Extra Entries: (only valid after the required entry has been completed)
1. For TWO extra entries, subscribe to A Mom's Balancing Act via e-mail (easily found along the side column). Be sure to leave TWO comments so that both entries can be counted.
2. For FIVE extra entries, blog about this giveaway (linking to this post) and leave me FIVE comments with the URL to that post.
3. Post my blog button or blog URL to your blog and leave a comment with the URL to your blog. (If it already is, leave me a comment letting me know)
4. For TWO extra entries, Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (Tweet once a day for an extra entry every day)! You can copy and paste: Enter to win the adorable Sukey's Circle! DVD for your little one @MomBalancingAct http://tinyurl.com/2g6p2tw Ends 5/26
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7. Become a Fan/Like Sukey Molloy on Facebook
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9. Enter any of my other current giveaways. Leave me a comment on which one(s)....ONE entry for EACH giveaway you enter!!
This giveaway will end May 26th and is open to the US Only!
**The products for this giveaway and review were provided at no cost! This was not a paid post and my honest opinions have been given. The experiences and opinions of others may differ from my own.**
My little girl who will be 2 next month would love this!
facebook fan Mom's Balancing Act
This would be for my 18 month old but I am sure my 4 year old would want to "help" his brother and watch it, too.
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if i won the dvd would be for my daughter, rachel!
i subscribe to a moms balancing act
i subscribe to a moms balancing act
i entered the pack of sugar free ring pops
Oh definitely I'd give this to my niece's daughter Isabella. She would really love it! Thanks!
My little guy would love the DVD! Also, you have won an award. Check it out on my site: http://mommyandmenaturally.blogspot.com/2010/05/yeah-i-won-award.html
Hi! Great blog! I have honestly never heard of this but I know my 4 year old would LOVE it!
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I would love to get this for my grandkids!
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I would give this to my granddaughter, Carley, she is three years old.
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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Donna Hufman Warrington
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i would love it for my niece
nannypanpan at sbcglobal.net
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The DVD would be a Christmas present for my 4 year old daughter Ava!
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entered searcey giveaway!
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Sukey's Circle would be for a special God daughter and her twin brother if we won! (birthday is in June!)
thank you!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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eileen richter
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This would be perfect for my little girl as i also want her to watch positive stuff on TV.
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
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My little man would love this DVD!
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This would be for my girls
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I'd give this to my niece, carawling(at)hotmail(Dot)com
I'd give this to my 2 yr old daughter. I think she'd love it!
I'm a facebook fan of Sukey Molloy under username Jennie Tilson.
I entered the Western Union "Return the Love" Campaign ~ $50 Western Union Gift Card Giveaway.
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I entered the Celebrating Moms #28: Baby Star Rock the Tote Giveaway.
I entered the Right Start ~ P'kolino Silly Soft Seating Giveaway.
The DVD would be for my 16month daughter if I won! I think she would love it!
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
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Blogged about giveaway #1: http://wisemommies.blogspot.com/2010/05/win-sukeys-circle-dvd.html
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Blogged about giveaway #2: http://wisemommies.blogspot.com/2010/05/win-sukeys-circle-dvd.html
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Blogged about giveaway #3: http://wisemommies.blogspot.com/2010/05/win-sukeys-circle-dvd.html
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Blogged about giveaway #4: http://wisemommies.blogspot.com/2010/05/win-sukeys-circle-dvd.html
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Blogged about giveaway #5: http://wisemommies.blogspot.com/2010/05/win-sukeys-circle-dvd.html
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
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erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Entered UV Skinz giveaway.
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Entered Sugar Free Ring Pops giveaway.
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erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
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erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Entered $50 Western Union giveaway.
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Entered Kolcraft Jeep Wrangler giveaway.
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Entered ThermaPAK giveaway.
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Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/Savings1Galore/status/14467826786
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
Entered Adorable kite from HearthSong giveaway.
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erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
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This would be for my son who just turned 2.
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Tracy P
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Tracy P
Entered the P'kolino Silly Soft Seat giveaway
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Entered the Noodle Head giveaway
Entered the UVSkinz giveaway
Entered the Hearthsong kite giveaway
It would be for my daughter, 17 months old.
Daily tweet: http://twitter.com/Savings1Galore/status/14770735615
erin.sidmore@gmail dot com
"If" I'm lucky enough to win this fabulous DVD, I will give it to my daughter, six year old...Kaylee.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I subscribe to "Balancing Mom" via email. My email addy is: Kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I *blogged* about this giveaway. www.facebook.com/ChicagoBearsFan1 OR Kimberly Dunek-Buck on Facebook.com.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I *blogged* about this giveaway. www.facebook.com/ChicagoBearsFan1 OR Kimberly Dunek-Buck on Facebook.com.
Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
I *blogged* about this giveaway. www.facebook.com/ChicagoBearsFan1 OR Kimberly Dunek-Buck on Facebook.com.
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com
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Kim Buck @ kimbuckjr@yahoo.com