To this day I still remember several toys which meant a lot to me growing up. I'd like to give my kids those same memories by looking for things that are not only unique, but also high quality and encourage learning and imaginative play. That's why I was very impressed when I came across Kids Preferred and their large selection of products for children.For more than two decades, Kids Preferred has been dedicated to providing superior quality and uniquely designed products at affordable prices. Parents have come to know and trust them as a company that will provide safe products for their infants and children through innovative and one-of-a-kind toys! It is their mission to instill a love for learning and to help young minds learn through imaginative play.
I was very happy to learn that I was going to have the opportunity to review on of their products. The hard part was choosing just one thing. They have an amazing selection of great items...and after some time and consideration, I decided on the Very Hungry Caterpillar Bolster, an Eric Carle Toy. I'm so happy I did!It couldn't have come at a better time, as Kaden had just started to sit up some with support and pillows around him. Needless to say, I immediately opened it up and had to give it a try! To my surprise it offered even more than I had originally thought and far exceeded any expectations I had. It's not only terrific quality, but is absolutely adorable!
This particular Grow-With-Me Bolster Activity Cushion is inspired by the literary works of Eric Carle. I'm sure many of you are familiar with his books, especially the popular, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. With the different features it offers, as well as the bright's something Kaden enjoys a lot. He loves to check everything out!The cushion is interactive and recommended for children ages 6 months and up. Since Kaden was already doing very well sitting up with support at 4 months...we tried it out at around 5 months and he did great!
The neat thing about it though, is that during the earlier stages, you child can even use it lying down on his/her tummy to play with the many features it offers. It's a fantastic sensory experience! Things that Kaden really enjoys are the crinkle antenna, ring with sliding textured beads, ribbons for tactile exploration, and the squeaker strawberry. It's so neat to walk into a room and see him exploring and learning through discovery. I love that this product promotes that kind of learning and play! I love nothing more than to see my kids' little minds at's something I will never get tired of!Another obvious benefit to the Very Hungry Caterpillar Bolster is the fact that it promotes sitting up independently. Since 3 weeks old when he began rolling from his tummy to his back, Kaden has been a little boy on the go! He's always trying to do more and more on his something which allows him to sit on his own is great!
I love the storage pockets on the front, as these will be great for toys and/or snacks. Speaking of snacks....this product even comes with a cup for drink or snacks. How neat is that!? They really thought of everything when creating this innovative product for babies and I couldn't be happier to have had the opportunity to test it out with Kaden. I can see this being something we love and use for a very long time...even my 2 year old daughter enjoys playing with it!
This is only one of many great products at Kids Preferred. I'd love to have several of them for my kids. I currently have my eye on the Eric Carle Very Hungry Caterpillar Apple Playset for Kaelyn.I would highly recommend Kids Preferred to any parent looking for high quality toys that encourage learning and imaginative play. They offer so many great children's brands that are sure to instill a love for learning and create memories that will last a lifetime!
Buy It: You can purchase the Very Hungry Caterpillar Bolster for $35 on the Kids Preferred website.
**The product for this review was provided at no cost by Kids Preferred. I was not paid for this post and my honest opinions have been given. Others opinions and experiences may differ from my own.**
Kids Preferred ~ Eric Carle Very Hungry Caterpillar Bolster Review
Posted by
Jenna |
Monday, May 10, 2010
thanks for the follow from FF, I'm your newest follower!!
very cute!
That caterpillar looks so cute and fun! :) Want to check out my giveaway??