I am always on the lookout for good quality toys for my kids. The problem is, the ones that are age appropriate and made to last are not always easy to come by. That's why I am so thankful for Ebeanstalk! They are a great toy website dedicated to providing quality toys for children. Those who are familiar with them, or read my blog regularly, know that they have a group of over 700 Moms like you and me, and 5 child experts, that help them pick the best toys by age, so you're sure your child gets toys that have been specifically matched to his or her age and developmental stages.
I was very excited to learn that I was going to have the opportunity to review one of their toys for Kaden! They sent us Jumpy, one of their soft developmental toys..appropriate for ages 5 months+.When it arrived I couldn't have been more excited to try it out. Kaden is 5 1/2 months old and a busy little boy. He is constantly trying to reach and grab for toys...and loves to chew on them as well. I thought this was the perfect toy for him! It allows for him to explore with all his senses and includes ears that sound 'crinkly' when touched and different textures on the each of the balls. When shook, it also sounds like a rattle.
I really LOVE how he bounces when the head is tapped. It really helps teach children at a very young age all about cause and effect. The size is also great! He can easily hold onto it with his little hands. Kaden just loves Jumpy and never seems to get tired of playing with it. This is a great toy to take with us in the car or stroller because it's so lightweight and entertaining.I would definitely recommend this toy to any parent with a child 5 months old or older. It's entertaining, colorful, high quality, and age appropriate...everything I look for in a toy! As with my previous experiences with Ebeanstalk...they definitely did not disappoint and were right on with the age appropriateness of Jumpy.
Buy It: You can purchase Jumpy from the Ebeanstalk website for $7.95.
**The product for this review was provided at no cost by Ebeanstalk. This was not a paid post and my honest opinions have been given. The experiences and opinions of others may differ from my own.**
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