You may remember the review I did for DownEast Basics last month. I absolutely have fallen in love with their selection of clothing. It's modest, stylish and affordable...everything I have been looking for in summer clothing. Knowing how much I adore their clothing, I couldn't have been happier when contacted to review something from their swimwear line!Swimsuit shopping is definitely not something I enjoy. Since having children, I am far more picky about the things I wear...especially when it comes to swimwear. I need it to cover me in all the right places, but still be fun and stylish. I had already been searching for something with summer right around the corner, but didn't have much luck. The moment I saw the DownEast Basics mix & match swimwear line though, I knew my luck had changed!
They offer a variety of amazing pieces. What I love, is that they have all different styles that can be mixed and matched. What better way to find the bottom and top that you like, and fit you, best!? Their styles are not only modest and trendy, but the designs are cute and fun too!As I searched through their swimwear collection I was drawn to so many of them. There are so many great options that I could see myself wearing. I was leaning toward the Sausalito Halter because it was a bit longer and I knew it would cover my stomach....
However, my hubby took a look and really thought I'd like the Mediterranean Tank top and Crystal Cove Bikini Bottoms in the giraffe print....
Even though I was a little bit nervous because the the photo made it look like the top was a bit shorter, I followed his advice and went for it. I am SO glad I listened to him...I've never loved a swimsuit as much as I love this one! It not only is longer than in the photo on the DownEast Basics website which I LOVE because it covers my stomach, but it fits great and is super cute! I love that it's more modest and keeps me covered, but is still fashionable and fun.
I haven't been able to wear it other than trying it on in the house yet, but can't wait for warmer weather so I can! Seeing how much I love this swimsuit, makes me think I may need to order more from them. Who couldn't use a couple of swimsuits, right?! I would love to have the Santa Cruz Bikini Skirt in the Bronze color to go with my giraffe print swimsuit too.
I am really glad I was introduced to the DownEast Basics swimwear collection. They make it easy for women to find the perfect suit with their selection of mix & match tops and bottoms and great designs! Like the other items I have tried from this company, the DownEast Basics swimwear did not disappoint. I have already recommend them to many people I know!
If you're looking for a new swimsuit this summer, definitely check out DownEast Basics. You're sure to find something you just love!
Buy It: You can purchase the Mediterranean Tank for $29.99 and the Crystal Cove Bikini Bottoms for $22.99 on the DownEast Basics website.
Coupon Code: With the purchase of 3 mix & match swim separates you can save $15 by entering the coupon code SWIM3 at checkout.
Win It: DownEast Basics has generously offered one lucky reader the swimsuit combo (top and bottom) of their choice!
1. For TWO extra entries, subscribe to A Mom's Balancing Act via e-mail (easily found along the side column). Be sure to leave TWO comments so that both entries can be counted.
2. For FIVE extra entries, blog about this giveaway (linking to this post and DownEast Basics) and leave me FIVE comments with the URL to that post.
3. Post my blog button or blog URL to your blog and leave a comment with the URL to your blog. (If it already is, leave me a comment letting me know)
4. For TWO extra entries, Follow me on Twitter and tweet about this giveaway (Tweet once a day for an extra entry every day)! You can copy and paste: Looking for the perfect swimsuit?! Win your choice of swimsuit from @DownEastBasics @MomBalancingAct Ends 5/27
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12. Enter one of my other giveaways and leave me a comment letting me know that you did (current giveaways can be found along the side column)....ONE entry for EACH giveaway you enter!!
This giveaway will end May 27th and is open to the US Only!
I like the Oceanside Tank and Malibu Swim Skirt in Ocean color.
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Swim skirt (in black) and the Sausalito Halter in the yellow strip and black polka dotted...yep, that's what I'd go for!
Have your button on my blog:
I love the Riviera tank in Taffy Stripe and the Waikiki bikini bottom in Taffy Stripe. Sooo cute!
I follow you via Google Friend Connect.
I would love the Oceanside Tank in clover and the Santa Cruz Bikini Skirt in ocean.
Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!
I want to try out the Santa Barbara Halter in black! Looks cute!
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My favorite is the Riviera Tank with the Waikiki Bikini.
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I like the Oceanside Tank and Bodega Bay Bikini bottom on Hot Pink. Thanks!
I like the hollywood tank and the santa cruz swim skirt! =)
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I like the Santa Barbara Halter in black and white and the bayside bikini
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I'd pick the mediterranean top in giraffe!
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i love the Riviera Tank in taffy
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I'd love the pretty Riviera Tank and Waikiki Bikini! tylerpants(at)
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Riviera tank & waikiki bikini in taffy stripe= my favorites
i love the sausalito halter and santa cruz bikini skirt in ocean
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I would pick a Spinach colored Mediterranean tank, and a bronze santa cruz skirt, or black malibu skirt!
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I love the Oceanside Tanks and Bodega Bay bikini in hot pink :)
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My favorite is actually the one YOU got in that amazing print. I have been on this site before and was looking at the Bayside one. But love ANY of the prints in the halter style.
THANKS so much!
ejrichter60 at gmail dot com
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i love the oceanside tank in clover
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My favorite is the Santa Barbara Halter in ocean and white. :)
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eileen richter
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I like the Santa Barbara Halter in Ocean and White with the Santa Cruz bikini skirt in Ocean.
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I like the Mediterranean Tank.
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I would love the Riviera tank in Taffy Stripe and the Waikiki bikini bottom in Taffy Stripe.
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