When I became a mom, it quickly hit me all the things I needed to be sure to have on hand. With children I wanted to be sure I was never without the essential first aid products that every household should have. A while back, Kaelyn got a burn on her hand. I realized then that I didn't have a very effective burn treatment product. That's why I was happy when introduced to Burn Cream MD.The following was a part of the information I received. It really opened my eyes and made me realize this is a product I wanted to try.
Did you know most people don't know how to treat burns? Statistics show that burns are one of the most common injuries, many typically occurring around the home and usually involving children. What would you do if you burned yourself while cooking over a hot stove or while using a hot hair appliance? What if your child accidentally touched a hot iron or oven? If you're thinking butter or ice as a treatment, think again. Butter seals in the heat allowing the skin to keep cooking while ice increases the risk of frostbite on already raw and tender skin. For fast and effective relief, Healing Skin offers BURN CREAM MD™, an item that every household should have. You can even use it on cuts and scrapes due to its antibacterial and exceptional healing qualities.
After extensive research and testing, Burn Cream MD was developed by dermatologist, Dr Diane Madfes. This product contains a patent-pending forumula of natural ingredients and analgesics to help deliver immediate pain relief, speeds healing and minimizes scarring.
We received a few samples to review and try out.Although we thankfully haven't had circumstances arise where we need to use them all...we have opened up one when I burnt my finger while making supper one night. Not only was I surprised that it helped with the stinging pain that often follows a burn, but the slight wound that the burn had caused seemed to heal more quickly than burns I have had in the past.
I am really pleased with the results of using the Burn Cream MD. It not only seems to be effective, but the handy travel packets we received are great to throw in a purse or diaper bag when we're on the go. If you'd like to learn more, you can visit, BurnCreamMD.com.
Buy It: Burn Cream MD is available in handy packs of 10 travel sachets for $17.99 or in a convenient pump bottle for $29.99 at BurnCreamMD.com.
**The products for this review were provided at no cost by BurnCreamMD.com. This was not a paid post and my honest opinions have been given. Others experiences and opinions may differ from my own.**
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