Huggies Pure and Natural diapers are made of organic cotton, are hypoallergenic and have aloe and vitamin E. What's great is that they are scent free, safe and gentle on the most sensitive of skin. I recently posted an opportunity to sign up for free Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers, and today came across another way to receive a free sample as well.
Walmart, which always has great free samples to offer, has the Huggies Pure and Natural diapers available for sample. All you have to do is go here, fill out your shipping information and your free sample will be in the mail! It's super easy....and who doesn't like to receive free samples of diapers, right?! Especially when they're made of such gentle and organic materials as these! What's even better is that they offer the same leakage protection that you would expect from the Huggies brand. This is a perfect choice for any new baby.
These diapers are not "made of" organic cotton. Organic cotton is "included" in the outer cover.
I'm sure they are as full of plastic and sodium polyacrylate as other disposable diapers.
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